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Is Weed Legal In Ohio? Ohio Weed Legalisation 2024

Is Weed Legal In Ohio?

On 7 December 2023, Ohio became the twenty-fourth state to legalize marijuana for recreational use. The law is officially in force after voters approved Issue 2 in the November election.

Despite being legal, marijuana has several restrictions because legislators can change the legislation. Additionally, the state will take several months to enforce the new law fully.

How Much Weed is Allowed to Possess in Ohio?

Ohio residents who are 21 years of age or older are permitted to own up to 2.5 ounces of cannabis and 15 grams of edibles or extracts.

Can I buy marijuana in Ohio now?

Legal cannabis sales probably won’t begin until late summer or early fall of next year unless the legislature and DeWine authorize medical dispensaries to sell the drug recreationally. This is due to the Division of Cannabis Control’s requirement to establish regulations about licensing, product standards, packaging, and more.

Additionally, it will require time for businesses to launch. Within the next six months, marijuana farmers, processors, and retailers will be able to apply for licenses. The first wave of licenses, which will be awarded to current medical marijuana companies and qualified operators under the social equity scheme, must be issued by the state within nine months.

Is it Legal to Grow Cannabis in Ohio?

According to the law passed by voters in November, you can grow cannabis. Growers are limited to growing six plants per adult and a maximum of twelve plants in a home with several adults in a safe, enclosed area.

Can I smoke marijuana in public in Ohio?

No. Marijuana smoking would be prohibited by state law. Except for outside patios, smoke shops, and hotel rooms designated for smoking, this regulation forbids smoking plant material in enclosed locations accessible to the general public.

Beyond that, public use is less evident. It is possible to be charged with a petty misdemeanor for using marijuana in “public areas”. However, it further states that property owners and “any public place” have the freedom to allow or prohibit marijuana usage.

Can I drive while high in Ohio?

No. It is illegal for someone high on marijuana to operate a vehicle, bicycle, boat, or airplane. It is not permitted for passengers to vape or smoke inside the car. Anyone who breaks those regulations faces the current OVI penalties imposed by the state.

Are there limits on who can use it?

Adults in the following four categories may not be allowed to use marijuana recreationally:

1. Anybody younger than 21: Because the law is crafted to treat marijuana similarly to alcohol, adults under the age of 21 will not be permitted to lawfully possess marijuana.

2. Renters: The bill gives landlords the right to forbid cannabis use in rental agreements.

3. Employees: Additionally, it gives employers the authority to create and enforce drug-free workplace policies, which forbid marijuana use by employees and punish those who do.

4. Gun Owner: It is against federal law for marijuana users to obtain, own, or purchase a firearm.

A background check form must be completed for every purchase made by a registered gun dealer. The form asks if the buyer is “an unlawful user of, or addicted to, marijuana or any depressant, stimulant, narcotic drug, or any other controlled substances.”


Ohio’s decision to legalize recreational marijuana is a significant milestone. However, it’s crucial to stay informed about the current state laws before engaging in any related activities

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