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contact@ohio420doctors.comMon-Sun : 8:00 AM to 10:00 PM

How to Register for an Ohio Medical Marijuana Card Online?

The state of Ohio surely has some of the most well-structured and regulated medical marijuana laws in the US. Even though the state aims to facilitate as many qualifying patients as possible, the whole process of applying for an Ohio medical marijuana card can be a bit tricky, especially if it’s your very first time applying.

The complete list of qualifying medical conditions, finding the right medical marijuana doctor for evaluation, and submitting your application for a new card/renewal, we are going to discuss all of these in detail today.

List of qualifying medical conditions

As per the Ohio medical marijuana laws, a patient must be diagnosed with one of the 25 qualifying medical conditions to be marked eligible for a medical marijuana card. The state medical board annually accepts petitions to add new conditions to the existing structure.

Here’s a comprehensive list of qualifying medical conditions currently approved by the state’s medical board:

  • Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS)
  • Spinal Cord Injury
  • Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
  • Alzheimer’s Disease
  • Crohn’s Disease
  • AIDS
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Cancer
  • Chronic Pain (Severe/Intractable)​
  • Cachexia (wasting syndrome)
  • Huntington’s Disease
  • Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy (CTE)
  • Epilepsy (Seizures)
  • Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD)
  • Glaucoma
  • HIV
  • Hepatitis C
  • Multiple Sclerosis
  • Ulcerative Colitis
  • Sickle Cell Anemia
  • Terminal Illness
  • Tourette Syndrome
  • Spasticity
  • Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI)
  • Parkinson’s Disease

How can you get a medical marijuana recommendation in Ohio?

To get a medical marijuana recommendation in Ohio, you must book a medical marijuana evaluation appointment with a state-authorized medical marijuana doctor. Don’t worry, if you don’t know about any credible doctor in your area, Ohio 420 Doctors can help you with that.

Your evaluation appointment will usually include an examination by the doctor, a review of your medical history, and in some cases, follow-up calls regarding your diagnosis. Once the doctor is satisfied that you can infact start using medical marijuana for the overall benefit of your health, the doctor’s office will register you with the patient registry.

Apart from this, the doctor will inform the Ohio Board of Pharmacy regarding your prescription and you’ll shortly receive an email, inviting you to complete your medical marijuana card registration. The link will direct you to the Ohio Medical Marijuana Patient Registry where you’ll update your personal information and will pay a $50 registration fee for a medical marijuana card valid for one year. If you apply as a caregiver, the annual registration fee will be $25.

Multiple ways of receiving your Ohio medical marijuana card

Once you have successfully registered yourself with the Ohio Medical Marijuana Patient Registry, you can expect to receive your medical marijuana card via mail in a few working days. You can even download your virtual copy of the state-issued medical marijuana that can be used to start purchasing medical marijuana products from a state-regulated dispensary immediately.

Final Note

The state of Ohio has surely put some serious efforts into regulating its medical marijuana program with a core focus on accountability of its records. For this very reason, the whole process of applying for a medical marijuana card in Ohio can be a bit confusing at first with a need for proper and thorough guidance on the matter and the overall timeline of the process.

Welcome to Ohio 420 Doctors, we recommend everyone to sign up for an online appointments instead of in-person visits.
Mon- Sun (8 AM to 10 PM) Stay safe. Stay healthy!